Monday, May 09, 2011

I'm so happy because the girls are back from Aussie!!
And dearest Salad brought back my favourite Macadamia Nuts(!!)

Anyway the weekend's been fulfilling enough.
Friday night at Holland and Tea Party with Byje and Liangfu,
gooood catching up and playing Taboo.

Dinner at Two Chefs with Byje.
We ordered Sambal Kangkong, Golden Mushroom Tofu and Butter Pork Ribs and figured it was impossible for two people to finish everything up,
so we tried calling for back up to no avail.

Saturday was spent with the family,
well part of.
IKEA serves Lurpak butter,
now that's what I call quality.

Night out with Chermaine after,
she's so funny and she never fails to crack me up and make my day with every of her silly antics.
In spite of her lack of punctuality, I appreciate her very much.

Church yesterday and Sunday afternoon catch up session with my favourite Yiling.
It's like a must every Sunday.

Then I went to pick up the girls from the airport after.
I love going to the airport, how can anyone not?
Salad bought me so many things back from Australia,
but I love your presence back more than anything.

1kg worth of Macadamia Nuts!!

(And I've finished 250g[that's half of this packet]already)


And so-good Churros!
(Which I unfortunately do not have a picture of)

To end it off,
stay over at Sherlyn's last night and we talked all through the night.
I've missed heart talks sessions with her.
We used to be so close, and we still are!

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